Feng Shui

What is Feng Shui?

Feng Shui (pronounced “Fung Shway”) is the study of the energy in our personal environment and how it impacts us. It is based on a complex body of knowledge that provides guidance for balancing that energy in order to enhance health, harmony, and prosperity. The term Feng Shui means “wind” and “water” and is based on the concept that everything contains energy or Qi (pronounced “chee”). This energy is either Yin (receptive) or Yang (active). One cannot exist without the other. A combination of Yin and Yang elements creates a particular quality and pattern of energy. The goal is to bring these patterns into harmony within the built environment and the people who live or work there. 


The art and science of Feng Shui was developed and has been practiced for thousands of years in China. It has also been found in various forms in other cultures. There are many schools of Feng Shui. Linda practices Classical (or “Traditional”) Feng Shui. This is an advanced method of analyzing the energy of a building that assesses the external environment, time, changing magnetism, direction and internal structures. It also considers the personal energy of the people who live or work there. It is considered a healing modality and as such requires a deep understanding of the complex layering of formulas: San He, San Yuan, and Ba Zhai.: 

  • San He (Landscape and Formations) formula analyzes the location of your home, as well as the surrounding landscape and physical features, and how they impact the energy entering your home. Seventy percent of what is happening inside the home is based on what is going on outside. This formula also examines the entrance and how energy flows once inside the home. Positioning of rooms including bedrooms, kitchens and bathrooms, and features such as doors, stairs, and fireplaces, etc. are considered to determine any potential effect.

  • San Yuan (Flying Stars) formula determines specific energy patterns entering your home. These patterns are based on identifying the facing direction and the specific Period (20 year energy pattern) of the house. The next step is to identify the energy type being activated in each section of the house. Using the Five Element Theory, recommendations are then made for ways to enhance the positive energy (Qi) and how to mitigate the negative Qi. 

  • Ba Zhai (Eight Mansions) formula determines the group (East or West) and Kua numbers of the home’s occupants to recommend the home’s optimal locations to spend time in, as well as the best directions to face (24 Mountains) for each individual. What may be positive for one person may be less so for another. Variables such as age and gender come into play here. 


Why Feng Shui is Beneficial

Feng Shui is very beneficial for understanding how your home is affecting you and will help identify areas that require attention. We are all affected physically, emotionally, socially, and even financially by energies that exist, even if they are not physically obvious. By determining the specific energy patterns of a home or building, as well as your individual energy requirements, your space can be planned and rooms designed and decorated so that you are aligned with them and receiving positive energy (Shen Qi). This will support you by providing harmony and balance and assist you in living to your full potential. Negative energy (Sha Qi) will also be mitigated through specific strategies and recommendations so the space is less harmful, irritating and unhealthy. Problems can then be minimized or prevented. 

Classical vs Modern Feng Shui

Luo Pan used in Classical Feng Shui

Luo Pan used in Classical Feng Shui

Classical Feng Shui always uses an accurate compass since precise readings are critical. The preferred tool to measure the facing directions of a building is a Luo Pan which is a tool that contains markings for 24 directions, as well as Feng Shui formulas embedded in the concentric rings on the surface. A scaled floor plan is required to do a proper assessment and is based on a calculation of formulas. Time is always a factor to consider since specific energy patterns change over twenty year periods.  

 Modern (Western) Feng Shui leans more towards psychology and utilizes the power of intention, positive thinking, and human aspirations. It uses a Bagua map that is placed over the floor plan of a house or a room and correlates certain areas to specific life situations such as wealth, marriage and career. It can be very successful as a result of intention and goal setting.  

While trained in both styles, Linda feels that applying Classic Feng Shui formulas results in a more accurate, in-depth and detailed assessment of your home. 

The formulas do however, share similar universal concepts. For example, both methods examine the external and internal influences on a building and how features and structures impact the flow of internal energy. Both apply the Five Elements Theory, which considers the strategic use of fire, metal, water, wood and earth elements to balance a space. 

The Five Elements Cycle

The five natural elements (fire, metal, water, wood, and earth) are powerful remedies in Feng Shui. They have three distinct relationships with each other such that certain elements enhance, reduce or control other elements. The goal is to strategically use these elements in your indoor environment to enhance auspicious (positive) energy patterns and weaken inauspicious ones (negative). Objects made from real or actual elements are the most powerful  for making Feng Shui adjustments. When the actual element is not available or otherwise possible, the colours or specific shape associated with it are good alternatives. It is very important to have an accurate assessment done in your space in order to determine what elements need to be incorporated in specific areas. Our physical surroundings are greatly impacted by the colours, shapes and materials used.

Member International Feng Shui Guild